“HUMU Augmented Audio Cushion™ is the real deal — one of those magical products that I always hope to find at CES… unusual, cool, compelling, and ready to ship.”
–Darryl Wilkinson, Sound & Vision magazine
"Humu-tyyny tuo hymyn musiikin kuuntelijalle. Suomalainen insinööri saa jopa pehmeän tyynyn soimaan. Flexoundin kehittämä Humu luo oman äänikuplan, jossa musiikki tai elokuva kirjaimellisesti tuntuu. Ensimmäiset keksintöä käyttävät tuolit on asennettu Kino Mäntyharjuun. Suurimmat odotukset kohdistuvat sovelluksiin autoteollisuudessa."
- YLE/Puoli seitsemän
"Watching television is now not just an auditory and visual experience — I actually feel every explosion or footstep; it’s so cool and immersive! I’m no gamer, but I’m positive that this would make for an amazing experience!"
- GearDiary
Miten kuuro voi hyötyä HUMU älytyynystä?
How a deaf person benefits from HUMU?
-Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE
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"In all honesty, and we’re not being sponsored, there’s no obligation for us to merely give compliments – this thing is incredible. In many ways it feels like you’re wearing headphones when you rest your head on it. The room can enjoy the music, but the experience is really something else for the individual user"
- Stereo Stickman
"It’s fantastic for personal relaxation, meditation, or just immersing yourself in your movie or game. The sound is great and added dimension of tactile feedback is thoroughly immersive. Gamers will love feeling the on-screen action; music lovers will appreciate the experience of standing next to the drums"
- MakeUseOf